Saturday, July 10, 2010

1 Down More To Go !!

Today is one of the important day because one of my BFF is getting engaged. The big day is for Myra & Scott. Yes, they getting engaged!!

This morning I woke up early around 7 am and thanks to my BFF Intan for the wake up call. Luckily I call her the night before if not I must over slept and late for the ceremony. After hang up with Intan, I still on my bed take my sweet time to really get up and get ready. Since I'm pretty lazy to iron the Baju Kurung so I have to find one that doesn't need to be iron. It takes me 45mins to get myself done. I called Diyana asking her who's going with who? We decide to go with one car only. At first, Diyana ask me to park my car at her house and we go with her car. But I refused saying that I'm using Eddy's car and I don't feel comfortable to park there. Hence, I'm gonna pick up Diyana first then Intan and Tuty will be the last.

Ada insiden berlaku time nak ambil Intan. Dia boleh pulak pegi rumah Diyana. She thought gather at Diyana's crib and she been told by Diyana. Diyana explain yang kalau dia bawa kereta baru gather dekat rumah dia now dah tukar plan yang I yang bawa kereta. Aduhai!! Salah dengar info lah. ;p Lepas dah ambil Tuty, dorang cakap nak breakfast dulu baru pegi rumah Myra. So, we went to Village Park for Nasi Lemak Ayam. And that place memang famous plus makanan dorang sangat teramat sedap.

It almost 10am and Myra did ask us datang awal teman dia while dia kena make up dengan make up artis dia. At Myra's crib, the guest belum sampai yang ada just uncle and aunty dia yang sibuk buat final touch up. Salam dengan semua sepupu sepapat and parents Myra then kitaorang terus naik masuk bilik. I'm amazed, happy, sad and etc. My BFF is getting engaged and no long a single lady. Now, she finally found a guy or a men that will cherish her for the rest of his life, that really love and care for her and that appreciates and adore for who she was. That's herself.